Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm Back

It has officially been a month since my last post...far, far too long! I am supposed to be keeping you entertained, family updated and myself from forgetting the funny things my kids say or do. For now here are a few things that we have been up to, and because I have my dad's thumb drive....I stole some pictures from their trip to show you!

Halloween came and went, but you wouldn't know it if you talk to Abby. She still talks about trick or treating and candy, and when we are going again. She is a hilarious little person and tests my patience alot because she is soooo like me and soooo like her daddy! Right now she is loving Calliou, Dora, all music, and anything to do with animals or trains! She isn't a big eater, so besides pancakes, and cream (butter) and syrup - like she tells me every morning when I ask her what she wants for breakfast, she likes Chick-O-Lay (chick-fil-a), chips, pretzels, "orange" cheese (cheddar) and bananas. Some of the memorable things she has said recently is "I laxing", "don't worry mommy" (for whatever she things I am getting my panties in a wad), "You a fish-killer" (thank you Nemo!). She is a beautiful and funny girl!

Little Ethan is 11 months old! I am in complete disbelief that I need to hurry and address first birthday invitations for my sweet boy! Time has flown by so much faster (tear) anyways...he is eating a TON! He likes everything, and enjoys his food, enjoys his bathtime with Sissy, loves when his Daddy comes home, and loves his Sissy so much. He loves to talk...Momma, Dada, Papa, Nana, Ghee (?) and SiSI are some of his favorites. He has 6 teeth and they are BIG ole teefs :-) Not walking yet, but that is fine by me.

We have finally gotten our cootie shot (fingers crossed) ! It seems we have been passing things around our little family of four for the last month! Ethan and I both had colds, got over them, then got them again. Poor little guy had his first ear infection...this is a first for either kiddo, as Abs still has never had one (knock on wood) and then Abby also came down with a 24ish hour stomach bug. Thankfully she didn't share it with anyone else, but also that it was so short as our last one went on for over a week. So we are on the mend...YAY!

 My little pumpkin

 Nana "The Good Witch" with her little pumpkin pie!

 We got to see our Gigi too! She even got to feed Ethan and hold him for the first time since her surgery! We are glad she is feeling better!!

 Practicing trick or treating at Nana & Papa's

 Papa, Ethan and I - I think E knew something was up, and there was no candy to be had for him :-)

 Digging for Candy

 Abby and "My Cindi" as she calls her

Here are some pictures of my adorable and wonderful parents trip to Italy:

Ciao for Now...haha!

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