Sunday, January 15, 2012

Playing Catch Up Part 2 - What Ethan's up to at 13 months old!

Yep, 12 months came and went and Ethan is already 13 months old! Crazy :-)! He is all over the place and is really starting to get the hang of walking. He is still crawling some, since he is the Jimmie Johnson of crawling...wink,wink! He loves most of the food he tries, including chicken salad, blueberries, peaches, strawberries, grapes, bananas, apples, turkey, macaroni, cheese,yogurt, name it! He is weird about vegetables but will eat sweet potatoes and carrots...he will still eat most any baby foods, even though I don't buy them often. He loves his sister so much, and can be found shouting her name if she isn't in a close radius! He is talking up a storm (including right now, as I type this) He sounds like he is a smart pants, if only i could understand what it means :-) He can say Mama, Dada, ABB-EEEEE, Oscar, Nana, Papa, Pop Pop, Mimi, Melly, Nana (banana), kaker, More, Shoe, Baby, Bath, Beep Beep! My favorite thing he says is "abejubejubejube" and moves from side to side...not sure what it means, but I love it!

He is a tub baby like Abby and myself! If you ask him if he wants his bath right after dinner, he will crawl or walk all the way from the kitchen to the big tub in our master bath! I so enjoy having the big tub to bathe both kiddos at the same time. We have a great routine, Abby is my big helper and gets the wash cloths (burp cloths as she calls them). I have had to start getting ABby out first because Ethan would get hysterical if he got out first!

He is such a momma's boy and I love it, except for the following me around crying to be held...I made him rotten that way! Overall, we are having alot of fun and the futures only getting brighter :-)

Playing Catch Up Part 1 - Christmas

Christmas came and went in a hurry, but we had a blast this holiday season! This year was alot different than last year - Ethan was only 2 weeks old last Christmas so he slept & ate and Abby really got the hang of presents. Well FAST forward to this year, and little man is already 1 and trying to walk and Abby is so hyped up that Santa came! We spent our morning opening presents, eating, opening more presents with Nana, Papa, Aunt Cindi, Aunt Lois & Gigi, then more eating, then opening presents at Mimi & Pop Pops with our cousin, and of course more eating!

They were both tuckered out when we got home that night! SO were Ev & I!